
KNH is a family venture managed K.M.Namboodiri (Namboo), Mrs.Uma Namboodiri (Uma) and their daughter Nibha . During their career they lived in almost all states of India and were inspired by the sustainable lifestyles and empirical wisdom of village communities. After retiring from service, they decided to return to their home district in Kerala, settle down in a village and take up the challenge of living in harmony with nature.  In the year 2003, Kodeeri Nature Home (KNH), started as a base camp for travellers in pursuit of lifestyles, traditions, art, culture and values of human societies. 

Our Team

K.M.Namboodiri (Namboo),  is a civil engineer, with special training in Water Management and 42 years of experience in the field of Community Managed Water Resource Development. Currently manages KNH and is involved in pursuits of sustainable living and revival of traditional systems with the community

Uma Namboodiri,  besides her formal and informal career as a teacher, has vast exposure to multiple dimensions of rural life in different parts of india. She also is an ardent believer of “Living in Harmony with Nature”.  She has also undergone training in Yoga and advanced meditation techniques. Uma also ventured into avenues of indigenous health care practices

Nibha Namboodiri, our daugter, is a biologist by training. Her special concern for the plight of poor elephants in captivity has prompted her to pursue sustainable solutions to this issue. She has become popular as the “first woman mahout”. A documentary called “Nibha & her elephanst” was featured in BBC and Animal Planet. Nibha also associated with various institutional efforts of reviving traditional arts & crafts of Kerala. 

Prakash Manhapra is a local young graduate who has special interest in Tourism and Culture and associated with us since ten years. He publishes and edits an English quarterly on tourism and Culture called “Welcome Kerala”. He is an acclaimed Cultural Interpreter too. His areas of specialization are River Nila heritage, folk arts and other cultural activities of  Northern Kerala.